Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

The staff of St Mary’s School have spent the last few days planning and preparing for the new school year – they are very excited about the year ahead! Hope you enjoy our Welcome Back Video. Welcome Back 2022.

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Catholic Performing Arts 2021

Catholic Performing Arts 2021

In August, a group of students represented St Mary’s School at the Catholic Performing Arts Festival in Perth. The students presented a dance titled “Mixed Feelings”. Their many hours of practice certainly plaid off and we think they all did a fabulous job! We hope you do too. Mixed Feelings – The start of a…

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LifeLink Pyjama Day

What is happening at St Mary’s?

On Wednesday 2nd June, we celebrated Life Link Day.  The LifeLink Day Schools Initiative was established in 1999 To promote understanding of the Church’s response to people in need within the community. To instil in Catholic students attending Archdiocesan Schools, a sense of responsibility for caring for those less fortunate. To provide education and information…

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Book Tasting

Book Tasting

Book Tasting – The Year Three/Four and Four/Five classes enjoyed a morning of book tasting. The students booked a table at the restaurant where they enjoyed ‘tasting’ a selection of books from certain genres to ignite their passion for reading. The experience was made more special by the waitstaff (teachers) ensuring their glasses were topped…

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Tree Planting

Tree Planting

St Mary’s tree planting day was a huge success! Thank you to Collgar Wind Farm for funding the project, Shire of Merredin and Dylan Copeland for donating the trees, Chris Brown for ripping the bush area with his bobcat (to enable easier planting), the Millington’s for collecting the tree guards and Mrs McDonald for her…

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Catholics Performing Arts Festival

Students from Years Three to Six travelled to Perth on 21 August to perform in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival which was held at the Convention Centre. The students performed ‘The Greatest Showman’ and their colourful costumes and enthusiastic performance made them a crowd favourite.

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Science Week

Science Week was celebrated with students participating in a variety of activities in class but the highlight was a visit by Mr Grant Stainer with his drone. The students watched the drone fly and then had the opportunity to talk to Mr Stanier about the drone and what it could do.  

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Father’s Day

On Friday St Mary’s celebrated Father’s Day by holding a Liturgy, which reminded everyone how important fathers and father figures are in our lives. Everyone then enjoyed a beautiful breakfast cooked by the staff.

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Book Week

On Wednesday the 28 August, St Mary’s celebrated Book Week with students participating in multi aged activities throughout the day. The highlight of the day was a visit by Chief, the dingo, who belongs to Mrs Sandy Hooper. Mrs Hooper also read each group the book Dingo by Tannya Harricks and then talked to the…

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